Brooklyn Art Song Society

I had a fantastic time singing four Mozart songs with Brooklyn Art Song Society in Histories V: The Viennese School.

Franz Joseph Haydn: Selected Songs
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Selected Songs
Ludwig van Beethoven: Adelaide, Op. 46, An die Hoffnung, Op.94 An Die Ferne Geliebte Op. 98

Ashley Emerson, Maggie Finnegan soprano 
Katherine Lerner mezzo-soprano
Michael Kelly baritone
Mike Brofman, Brent Funderburk, Joel Harder piano

Photo: Catherine Hancock

We were in the New York Times “Fun Things to Do" write-up!

Fort Point Open Studios

I had the privilege of singing with Boston Lyric Opera last weekend in their Fort Point Open Studios performances. Saturday I joined mezzo soprano Vera Savage, pianist Brendon Shapiro + Roxy Myhrum in bringing the children’s book Opera Cat to life. We had great fun singing some opera classics and acting out this sweet book.

Sunday I performed with Brendon Shapiro + Alexis Peart in a program in the launch of a Rising Waters / Rising Voices , a new community-wide initiative that invites you to join the conversation on climate change through the transformative experience of opera.

Little Orchestra Society Magic Flute

I had a great week in NYC playing Queen + First Lady in the Little Orchestra Society’s Familiy Friendly Magic Flute. It’s so amazing to me what can be accomplished in four days when you have such amazing colleagues! Next time this show comes around, no matter what age you are, check it out!

Huge thanks to David Allen Miller and Craig Shemin for welcoming me to the LOS family!

[Gibbons + Opera Singing at Stone Zoo]

To celebrate our male white cheeked gibbon Kien’s 23rd birthday, I gave a talk on the similarities between gibbon vocal production and the techniques used by opera singers! Huge thanks to Stone Zoo for supporting me through this crazy idea- i had great fun!

The gibbon family making their gorgeous and impressive calls in the morning at Stone Zoo. #zoonewengland

How was my White Cheeked Gibbon impression??

[Save the Snakes Venomous Handling Course]

In non-music related news: I spent two days in Sacramento with Save The Snakes, studying and learning in their Level 1 Venomous Handling Course. We learned about California’s native snake species, types of rattlesnakes, and safe handling and containment techniques. We practiced with nonvenomous gopher snakes and california king snakes, and then worked with an adult Northern Pacific Rattlesnake named Dorado (the only rattlesnake species native to the Sacramento area) and a feisty juvenile Western Diamondback named June.

For more information on the important education and conservation work that Save the Snakes is doing throughout the world, visit SAVE THE SNAKES.

[Mirror Cabaret]


Willkommen, bievenue, welcome to The Mirror Cabaret!  
Opera vs. Musical.  Have you ever wondered about the parallel of operas and musicals based on the same story? Join MassOpera for an intimate, fun, and soul-stirring night at The Mirror Cabaret. Your favorite operas and musicals will be presented back-to-back to showcase how different musical styles can tell the same story.


“This is What it is to Love an Artist”, Eurydice, Matthew Aucoin

“Ah, Douce Enfant”, Cendrillon, Massenet